Posted by: Elizabeth Block | July 21, 2010

Are you looking for a job in Internet Marketing? Read this first!

If you are looking for a job in Internet Marketing, you need to look into our Master Certificate in Internet Marketing This program will not only teach you how properly utilize the Internet for marketing, but teach you step-by-step how to implement your media plan. Most people that have been working in the interactive field have learned what they know by trial and error, and on the job training. That has worked for the short term. However, now companies have realized that they need to hire people with a proven track record and education. That is where our program comes into play. University of San Francisco launched their Internet Marketing Master Certificate program through University Alliance approximately 17 months ago. From the moment of inception, the enrollments have continued to grow and grow. People are signing up from all walks of life.

Our program currently offers 7 classes in total. However, the first three classes make up the Master Certificate. We offer three classes in the Master Certificate; Integrated Online Strategies, Search Engine Marketing and Usability and Advanced Interactive Marketing and Measurement.

Each of these classes are 8 weeks long. You work at your own pace and watch video lectures, and then weekly, you have a live virtual class where you interact and learn with the other students in your class, as well as the instructor. One of the great benefits of our program are the industry experts teaching. They are some of the best in the industry, and are very helpful, and want to work with you to make you a success. Please look at their bios to learn more about them. The other benefit of this program is that you truly learn how to implement through a step-by-step approach. This is rare, and hard to come by. I am sure so may of you have attended either a seminar, or an online class, and walked out feeling as though you learned so much, only to find out that you have no idea how to implement what they just taught you. That can be very frustrating. However, these classes truly teach you how take what you have learned and turn the theoretical into action.

Typically, you will need 4-6 hours a week to work on these classes. When we put this program together, we understood that most people don’t have the luxury of time. Therefore, this time committment seems to work for most busy professionals.

We then have specialized advanced classes that you can pursue as well in Social Media, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing and Web Analytics.

So why take these classes when looking for a job? I cannot tell you how many people I have enrolled that have gotten positions while attending University of San Francisco. Companies want to know that you understand what you are doing with their marketing campaigns. Whether this be Social Media, SEO or analytics. They have no room to waste their time or resources to train you, or hire you and hope you know what you are doing. These classes will allow you to position yourself above the rest.

I always suggest that when you are submitting resumes, that you incorporate a cover letter that will clearly state that you are getting your Internet Marketing education from University of San Francisco. This is a top-tiered university that has consistently been ranked as one of America’s top schools according to U.S.News and World Report

Another question I always get is what kind of job opportunities are available for me once I complete this program? While we do not provide employment services, I suggest that you look at some of the job/career sites and conduct some searches. You will get a much better understanding of what your options might be.

Here are some suggestions for searches:

Web Analytics
Social Media

This should get you started. You can then continue to conduct some searches.

The bottom line is this. You need to keep yourself current and competitive.

Call me today for more information at 800-436-1713 ext 4203, or email We will work together to get this done.

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