About Me


My name is Elizabeth Block. I am a native New Yorker; born and raised. I moved to Tampa, Florida in 2002. I have an extensive background in Marketing. I am an avid reader. I love to learn, which is what brought me to University Alliance. I love photography, and singing. I was trained in Opera when I was very young, and continue to enjoy that passion. I have recently expanded my love for cooking, and find it very exciting to create a meal for my family that is new and healthy. I also enjoy hiking throughout the parks in Florida. I am a very faithful person.

I am very attentive to servicing my students. I think it is vital to provide above and beyond service, and to exceed expectations. I am very energetic, and very honest with my advice. My goal is to work with each person as an individual and have them achieve their goals.

I look forward to working together. I can be reached at 800-436-1713 ext 4203 or Elizabeth-Block@universityalliance.com

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